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Creating Epistemologies: Further Jazz Festival #jazzfestival, #jazzinnormal, #sonicspaces


II. Trio

Creative epistemology

You, you, you

Invited Straight Answer Jazz Trio

Soulful smooth jazz

Rhythm and the blues

It was funky up in there

Breezing through George Benson


In the hands of Gary Muhammed

The guitar sings, whines, wails, and moans

Finger picking

Slides and glides

Cool and smooth

Go Gary

You could have been Wes Montgomery’s grandson

Percussionist David Collier



Bass drum pum-pum

Sticks dancing back and forth on the snares

Michael Gardner

Syncopating, funking, improvizing on the blacks and whites

Embodying the funk, the blues, the rhythms, smiling and jiving

Bringing music to life

Enter Michael Timothy Gardener III on trumpet

Making papa Gardner proud

Invoking Grandpa Louis

Doo-daa sha-ba-la-ba doo-da

Creating epistemologies


The movement of sonic possibility as a social relation

DeFrantz’s sonic spaces of shared sensorium

Who knew that Sunflower could be so tasteful

Fry Pies and all

The Water Remembers


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